Where and Why

Where and Why

Where & Why...

was the Web page created,


Where & Why...

was the information written?

or, using Internet lingo,

The Sponsor

Every Web page has a sponsor and/or publisher and/or creator (the individual or organization that is responsible for the Web site). All Web addresses have extensions that are called domains.  It often can reveal the purpose of the Web site -

  • to sell
  • to educate
  • to sound off
  • to organize for or support a cause -
  • to provide information

by knowing the perspective of the sponsor or where he resides (where he or she is coming from).

The most common domain names are:

.com (commercial organizations)

.org (usually non-profit organizations, but not always)

.edu (educational institutions)

.gov (government)

.net (organizations involved in Internet services)

.int (international organizations)

.info (information)

Knowing the sponsor helps the researcher detect bias that may try to persuade rather than inform.

Practice your skill:

Look at the following Web pages that have information on genetically engineered food.


  • Determine the WHY and WHERE of the site, and any bias about the topic.

Record your answers under "Sponsor" on the  printable worksheet.

Door, Purple      Door, Orange      Door, Brown

Door One | Door Two | Door Three


It is not as easy as it looks. Did you find the least biased site? Because there is bias, it does not mean that the information cannot be used or that it is not accurate.

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